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Quantum Computing for Engineering
This website is published under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (go to license). If you want to refer to the content of this webpage, please cite
author = {Julia Kowalski, Oliver Ahrend},
title = {Quantum Computing for Engineering},
year = 2024,
url = {},
urldate = {YYYY-MM-DD}
About the course
The course is compiled and held by Prof. Julia Kowalski, head of Methods for Model-based Development in Computational Engineering at RWTH Aachen University. It is part of study programs offered at its Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The course is designed as a 15 week graduate course and includes introductory lectures, hands-on programming exercises, and guest lectures during which advanced topics are presented.
This year, we are looking forward to the guest lectures held by:
Required preliminary knowledge
Calculus, linear algebra and basic knowledge of numerical methods and statistics are being relied on in this course. We repeat the most important fundamental concepts, yet do not cover them in great depth.
The RWTH Moodle platform is used in conjunction with this weppage. The RWTH Moodle will be used for:
- announcements (change of dates/rooms, exam related information)
- groups for homework assignments
- homework submission
This webpage will be used for:
- sharing the schedule of this lecture
- sharing lecture slides
- sharing homework sheets
If you have trouble accessing the RWTH Moodle or parts of this webpage, do not hesitate to contact ahrend@mbd.rwth-aachen.
How to contribute?
This webpage provides material that complements in person lectures. Should you spot any typos or errors, we’d be grateful if you supported us via informing us in the lectures or writing a mail.